Knowledge sharing session at KTH - 20/2

Knowledge sharing session at KTH

Welcome to a physical Student/Professionals sharing session at KTH, where some students attending the Purchasing and Supply Chain management course in their final year at KTH will present selected project work in progress.

Representatives from Silf Region Öst will add to the sharing – and discussion – via their key experiences while working within the field of Purchasing and Logistics, in Sweden and around the Globe.

From the Silf side we also talk about the practical value of the “PMI - inköpschefsindex”. The general approach is to have an open discussion between current and past learnings – and the future challenges.

We will meet at room Q2 at Malvinas väg 10, on February 20, at 10.00 – 12.00. 


10:00 – Coffee and warm up
10:15 – Welcome by Luca Uriciuoli (KTH) and Anna Sjöberg (Silf)
10:25 – What is ”PMI” and a view on World economy 2025, Jörgen Kennemar, Swedbank.

 – Break

 – Students from KTH present Purchsing project work results
11:40 – Members of the Silf Region Öst, share life experiences within Purchasing and Supply Chain work -  including wrap up

12:00 – End

Most Welcome



Kostnadsfritt för alla. Även icke medlemmar.

Plats bokas efter principen först till kvarn. Passa på att göra en tidig anmälan (begränsat antal platser). Anmälan senast 18 februariKallelse skickas ut några dagar innan.



Silf Region Öst

Datum: 20 februari
Tid: 10:00 - 12:00
Pris: Kostnadsfritt för alla. Även icke medlemmar.
Plats: KTH Stockholm, room Q2 at Malvinas väg 10, Stockholm